10 Rules to Business Success


This is a nice graphic.  The question is how does this apply to the online marketer?

The online marketer needs to commit to a core program, where potential business partners see consistency.  It is ok to try different programs to see if they are a good fit.  However, what you promote today and six months from now is a reflection of your consistency.

Profits come from the promotion of evergreen programs, preferably those with a multi year history of being in existence, and with a reputation of paying on time.

Motivate and communicate with your recruits by providing any training and motivation source you can find.  You can teach what you have learned and what mistakes you have made that can be avoided.

The best way to control your expenses is to know what advertising is working by tracking your results.

Think about your why!  Why are you doing online marketing?  What are your short and long term goals for your business?

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