List building and lead generation with LeadSkimmer.

Have you failed a list building?  I will introduce you to the same system I use to build a list and generate leads for any opportunity!

LeadSkimmer is a front end marketing funnel.  The video attached to the funnel explains the benefits of the program, while allowing your prospects to opt in with just an email address.  When they opt in, they are also added to your list behind the scene.

The free account requires you to give your first 3 leads to your sponsor.  You then ‘break away’ forming your own lead line.  When this occurs, you get the benefit of the leads you generate going directly to your list. This video explains the details of the free account.

The premium account is a one time fee, and allows you to put leads on your list immediately, no pass ups!  The premium account features are explained in this video.

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In this video, I introduce you to the back office of the program


If you do not have any previous experience with ad creation, find an advertising source and submit the banner with an appropriate link tag.  You can use the ad copy in the promo section for safelists and other print advertising.

Screenshot of lead stats area showing link tags

You can use LeadSkimmer along with Global NPN as a primary lead generation and list building opportunity.  Another option would be to use both programs in addition to your primary opportunity, to create additional income.  The lead generation and list building concept should be an ideal fit alongside any network marketing or affiliate program.  Think of the possibilities of a downline duplicating multiple programs!

Lead Lightning is a cheaper front end marketing funnel at $7 one time (with a $6 commission).  I also mentioned how the back office of Global NPN is somewhat ‘dated’ in appearance.  However, the company has stability with its 10 year history. That fact alone may lead you to start using both programs.


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