Donald Trump, A lesson in branding from the 45th president


This is not a political post.  The entire purpose is to discuss branding yourself.


For years, the world has known about Donald Trump, especially in the USA. He is a successful business man that had made a lot of deals and a lot of money in various business ventures:  real estate, hotels, casinos.

As star of the television series ‘The Apprentice’, he provided a contest where the winner would manage one of his enterprises.

He has been on a variety of television shows over the years, almost like a celebrity, even though he was not a television or movie star (at the time).

After announcing a run for president of the USA, he emerged as a candidate that did not act in the traditional manner of political correctness often seen in those running for higher office, regardless of party affiliation.

The idea for this post came from a discussion I heard somewhere (I forgot the source).  The commentator mentioned that even though Donald Trump was receiving negative comments for some of his statements, he was still in the news cycle.  In other words, his brand was still being exposed, and maybe even promoted.

From the name Trump plastered onto his properties, to his signature thick hair, the president has mastered the art of branding.  I wonder how much of his controversial commentary is spoken or written with the sole purpose of bringing attention to the brand.

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