Prosperity Marketing System List building and multiple streams of income

This program has been around for several years, so it offers some stability.  The system will allow anyone to build their list when you connect your autoresponder to the capture pages.  The system allows you connect a variety of autoresponders, not just one or two like most programs.

The system has some basic online training, which can allow the newbie to work the system. The training covers different modules of online marketing, while giving you the opportunity to join a program based on the training you just received.  You can now change all the links to your affiliate link so those that join under you will be your affiliates.  You can build downlines in over a dozen programs. Take the trial now.

The owner add-on is a one time fee of $97.  This allows you to hand pick all the programs to the ones you prefer to offer, instead of having to follow your sponsor.  This allows you to use the program as a customized downline builder.  If you intend to follow your sponsor into every program, you may not need this.  Just imagine your downline promoting a system with some of your links to infinity!

The program is $12 per month and pays 100% commissions, after your 2nd and 4th affiliates are passed up to your sponsor.  While I enjoy promoting well established programs, the real value lies in the back end promotion of your primary and affiliate programs with your affiliates.

That is why I would not promote with the income approach.  My first emphasis is list building. The ability to list build while generating multiple income streams becomes the lead magnet to get people on your list.

The program is a funded proposal because you have an opportunity to generate additional income streams as you build your list.  You defray your advertising costs with the income you generate from the program, giving your affiliates the same opportunity using a stable, long term platform.

Take the 7 day trial now.  Your credit card will not be charged while you go through the back office and review the training. During your trial, I recommend going to Create Splash Page, Using Ready Tool (in the Personal Branding area). Build a page with your own color pattern and headline.

The hardest part is the time you need to go through the training, set up your autoresponder, and change affiliate links.  You can always change a few affiliate links and start advertising.  You have to find the balance of promoting the system immediately or taking the time to set up every affiliate link as your link.




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