Buckets of Banners Review

Buckets of Banners is a program that has 3 components.  You can join as a free member or take the upgrade at $10 per month. There is a discount for a year upgrade.  A lifetime membership is offered.  I am lifetime upgraded.

Traffic exchange:  Your banner and splash page are shown in the traffic exchange with a 5 second timer.  There are no surf limits.

Banner exchange code:  You can use your banner credits to display other members ads, and in turn your banners will be shown all over the traffic exchange community.

Interactive Splash Page:  This splash page shows your picture, banner and 3 other banners from other program members.

This program has been around for several years.  The interactive splash pages will allow you to see the pictures of other members.  You will see a lot of familiar faces.

I see a lot of repetitive views of ads while surfing the exchange.  I would prefer my advertising to be better distributed.

I am glad I waited to join this program after I had some experience with other traffic exchanges.  If  you are ready to diversify your banner advertising, I recommend joining this program.

Screenshot 2016-01-04 at 10.23.13 AM

Screenshot 2016-01-04 at 11.12.22 AM

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