Commando Surf Review Get more credit with every click


Commando Surf is an ongoing promotion that allows anyone to get extra credit for every click when you surf 4 core traffic exchanges simultaneously.  The core exchanges are: Traffic-Splash. Tezak Traffic Power, Dragon Surf, and  Traffic Swirl.

The promotion also includes 2 optional guest exchanges that can change weekly.

To participate, you need to join the 4 core traffic exchanges (free or upgraded member, I have an upgrade in all 4!).

Next, you need to join TECommand Post.  Upgraded members in this program get even more extra credit per click.  After joining, you need to log into your account and click the Commando Surf tab and you will be given information on how to sync you account at each of the 4 core exchanges and 2 optional guest exchanges.

You will need to start surfing at each traffic exchange and click several times before Commando Surf is activated. My review video shows you where to look in each exchange to see the Commando Surf bonus.

The percentage can vary by exchange on a daily basis.  I have seen percentages ranging from 10% to as high as 100%.

If the bonus does not active (now or in the future),  I suggest the following:  Surf each exchange for several minutes, log into TE Command Post, click the Commando Surf tab and re-sync your program ID’s.

Each of these exchanges has good ownership, good reputations, and are excellent programs to join without the Commando Surf offering.

If you are a surfer, you might as well get more credit for every click by going commando!


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