Lead Lightning Review Front End Lead Funnel


Lead Lightning is a front end lead funnel for any online marketing opportunity.  For a one time payment of $7, you get a lead capture page and a prewritten email campaign focused on online marketing.  The email campaign will promote the lead lightning product or any affiliate program you plug into the system.

Affiliates will receive a $6 commission from every sale of the system.

Lead Lightning is also a tripwire offer because it is produced by the same company that provides the Power Lead System, a complete funnel system with an affiliate compensation program.  Power Lead System has 2 memberships options (and a user, no affiliate option).  These options are ‘right in front of you’ as soon as you log into the back office of the program.

The video shows you the lead capture page, sales page and back office tour.

The system is a low cost affiliate program that can be applied to multiple online marketing programs.  It is an alternative to an autoresponder, better than not using one at all.  There is only one capture page being used by thousands of affiliates, and you cannot customize the email campaign.  Long term, any online marketer should have an autoreponder with their own lead capture pages and the ability to customize their campaigns.  You can subscribe to the silver or gold membership to get these abilities.  Some marketers may prefer to use their current autoresponder and capture page creator software.

The upgraded memberships allow someone to create or receive share codes for complete campaigns.  Online marketing leaders are sharing their funnels with their referrals to encourage them to stay active (and in turn receive affiliate compensation).

This is a unique product: low cost, tripwire and even funded proposal.  I do not know of another product at this price point that will capture leads and follow up with email messages.

I think this product is best used as a short term solution for a new online marketer. You must be able to brand yourself, with your own capture pages and email campaigns.

There are no affiliate links in this post.  I am not actively promoting this offer.



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