Legacy Team Co-op Tutorial and Review

There are thousands of traffic exchanges.  You cannot surf everywhere, or even join everywhere just to buy credits. The Legacy Team Co-op is an ideal resource to spread your advertising to multiple traffic exchanges.  Through tracking, I discovered my ad being shown in exchanges I did not even know existed!


Instead of your splash page URL, you enter the co-op URL into a traffic exchange. You in turn receive credit in your Legacy Team Co-op account to assign to your splash page to be seen in multiple traffic exchanges.


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Why diversify your advertising?  There is a good reason to pick a handful of exchanges and work with them.  The repetition of a quality ad allows other exchange members to get to the point where they like and (hopefully) trust you, and will ‘do business’ with you.  However, you know there are thousands of other surfers that are not members of your favorite exchanges.  So, you get you offer in front of ‘fresh eyeballs’ without joining and maintaining multiple accounts.  If your tracking shows multiple hits from the same source, you may want to join that exchange.

You can join Legacy Team Co-op  as a free member or choose from 3 upgrades.  If you only want to purchase credits, you may decide to join as a free member.  I will provide a screen shot of the upgrades at the end of this review.

Consider the one time offers during the sign up process.  I chose the elite upgrade for 1 year at a reduced price over the monthly fee.  Also, I was offered a monthly credit subscription at a really reasonable price.

The log in offer to purchase credits will vary from time to time.  As you move through the site, you will see offers for banners and texts or a monthly upgrade.  I was disappointed to see a higher price for banners and texts over the past few months.  The previous offer was 50,000 banners and texts for $10.  It is now 10,000 banners and texts for $6.

You will not have any conversion options.  You receive credit for showing the co-op URL.  Banners and texts must be purchased, obtained from your upgrade, or purchased with commissions.

I would not recommend Legacy Team Co-op to new surfers.  Someone that has just entered the traffic exchange community should join a handful of exchanges and learn how to use traffic exchanges effectively, upgrade, stockpile some credits, then join the co-op.


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