Recycling in Internet Marketing: Why you should repurpose your content



Content creation can be time consuming.  Instead of creating content for a 1 time use, why not repurpose it. Think about all the different channels we have available to us for distribution of our content.  Each distribution point has a variety of people accessing the channel at all times of the day.

Social media is for connecting.  YouTube is for learning how to do something.  People have their favorite resources for content, and you will connect with different people on different platforms.

The only downfall is that you cannot be everything to everybody.  There is an advantage to learning to master a few platforms, in order to be as effective as possible to expand your brand.

However, since you have created the content, why not distribute it to as many sources as possible.

Have you ever gone to YouTube to learn how to do something?  You can easily record yourself showing an overview of a program or a marketing technique you are trying.

Instead of throwing your affiliate like around on social media as absolute spam, try providing value with a real goal to help others.

Now, you can send that same content to your list to reaffirm their decision to be on, and stay on, your list.

Don’t forget to post your content to your blog?  You are blogging, correct?

So be sure to get the most out of your content with creative redistribution.

End of post, time to go and share this.

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