
The official start date I give to my online business presence is April 2014.  I was reviewing the training section in an affiliate program when I discovered some training modules on traffic exchanges.  I thought I had seen everything that you could see regarding online marketing.  However, I had never heard of traffic exchanges.  I had just discovered some unknown part of the internet, and I was determined to learn how to take advantage of this new discovery.

My main interest has been traffic exchanges (and related spin offs of this industry).  However, I want to expand beyond this area of internet marketing because I feel it is somewhat limiting in my exposure as a marketer.  I will cover other aspects of internet marketing.  I hope you find some value and authenticity in my videos and blog posts. {See bottom of page for disclaimers}

If you read my home page, you will see I am transitioning to providing information about affiliate marketing in general, while moving away from the home based business niche.  I will spend more time on websites and less time with this blog.


Lifelong bachelor

USA resident (state of Alabama)

Pizza is my favorite food

Favorite music genre, metal (turned up to 11, if you get that)

None of my content is intended to provide accounting, legal, financial or investment advice.  I do not guarantee income.

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