The best $20 you can spend on your business

An autoresponder will cost you $20 or less per month.  This is one of the best ways to grow your business.  We get someone’s attention with a unique lead magnet.  We then have the ability to communicate with this person over several weeks, months and even years.  We have the ability to establish credibility, and provide value while promoting the products and services we recommend.

The affiliate link is a one shot deal.  People are distracted, and you and your offers are competing with thousands of other people trying to do the same thing.  

Show someone you are a serious marketer, when you present a training offer that helps someone build their business (and it can be any business, even offline).

Even with the price point of 20 dollars, you may have a bare bones system or a variety of capture pages and tracking tools.  

Most of these systems offer affiliate programs.  Just imagine collecting commissions for several years because someone needs the product you represent to build their business.  This is the evergreen concept I have blogged about before.

I spend more than $20 every month.  But I have the complete suite of tools that any affiliate marketer needs to be successful.

I can build complete sales funnels in about 30 minutes and link them to an autoresponder.  I also have access to cpanel hosting (for my blog) and video hosting to present my message without the distractions of YouTube. All under one account, one login, one payment.

Did you know you can try out the same system I use to market to you and provide this blog content?  You can try the entire system for 15 days for only 1 dollar.

So, go and get your 15 day trial and work with all the tools.  See how they can give you a professional appearance for anything you market.


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