The Top 10 List Building Mistakes… Also available in .pfd format



Grab your .pdf version of the top 10 list building mistakes.


List building is vital to your success in online marketing.  You need to contact someone several times before they make a purchase.  If you just provide an affiliate link, they may forget about it or lose it.  People like knowing that a real person is behind the link, actively involved with the program or service being offered.  So, lets review some common mistakes.

Waiting before starting your list.  Most internet marketers regret not building their list sooner.  You can begin to cultivate relationships with your subscribers even as a newbie.  Your volume of traffic to your site does not matter.

Bad lead magnets.  The lead magnet is the giveaway in exchange for the email address.  You should consider WIIFM, what is in it for me, the perspective of the potential subscriber.  Simple reports may have worked years ago, but people may judge you based on what you are offering.  The creative offers that stand out work best.  I use lead generation and simple duplication as lead magnets.  People like tapping into something that is effective and proven to work.

Bad lead capture pages.  This ties in with your lead magnet.  I once saw a page that just said “make lots of money” then asked for the opt-in. I wondered if anyone put in their information.  Pages with the WIIFM concept or those that solve a problem are going to have a better opt-in rate than some random beach.  I am putting myself on video before the opt-in page, because people join people, not random beaches.

No follow up messages.  Why would anyone take time to set up a lead capture page and not put followup in their autoresponder.  The reason for capturing the lead is the follow up.  Tell the subscriber about yourself on your blog or a video and provide contact information.  Provided messages with content.  Demonstrate the product or service and tell the subscribers how they can benefit.  Fill that autoresponder with value instead of affiliate links, and they will stay!

A good autoresponder.  Have you heard these stories about some providers just cancelling the service on someone that has thousands of subscribers for no good reason.  Make sure your provider has several years of experience.  Also, make sure they are ‘affiliate marketer friendly.’

Lack of tracking.  There are so many ways to track everything.  Be sure you have a good idea of what is going on in your business.

Hype and poor copywriting efforts.  Unrealistic claims and outright lies are no way to build a subscriber list.  You can learn marketing skill to improve how you communicate through your advertising and communication.  However, be realistic and factual with your subscribers.  A loyal subscriber base that stays with you because of your character and reputation is more valuable than one build from desperation.

Messages with no value.  I have been on other lists and what really annoys me is the link of the week.  I don’t know how anyone can maintain a subscriber base when every message is a pitch and they never provide any value.  I describe value as anything meant to help your subscriber without trying to sell during the message.

Extreme graphics or images.  Think about the purpose email, to send written content.  I provide links to external sources, but my messages actually have written content that benefits the subscriber when they read it.

The frequency of your campaign.  Whatever you choose, it should be consistent.  Mail everyday with affiliate links and no value, and you can be assured you will have a revolving door of unsubscribers.  Mail several times a week with value as you goal, and you will develop a loyal following.  Consistency is vital.  You list will forget you if you do not stay in frequent contact (which leads to spam complaints).  If you plan to mail once every 4-5 months, you won’t have a list.

Now that you know what to do and what to avoid, go and build your list today.  You have knowledge that can help other people succeed, or avoid mistakes you have made.

Take action.  You can start with grabbing the .pdf version of this report and using it as a foundation and resource to present to your subscribers or viewers of your blog.  Don’t copy word for word.  Incorporate your own style and experience into the content.



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