Topsurfer Tutorial and Review

Topsurfer is an ‘old school’ traffic exchange.  It is more than ten years old, has a custom script, and has graphics that are somewhat dated. The main focus is the wholesale membership.  For $10, you get a month of wholesale membership and 5000 credits.  Oh, did I mention 100% commission?  That is correct, you as the seller keep all of the money.  You can receive residuals if your customer chooses to renew.

You can also sell multiple month memberships, up to a year.  However, you can only sell a membership period you currently have active.  In other words, you cannot sell a 12 month membership if you have a 1 month membership. You can sell up the the number of months remaining on your membership.  Here is a promotional video from the owner.



So, there is the sales presentation for the wholesale membership.


The exchange has a 15 second timer.  There is a limit of 150 surfs per day.  The main revenue for the exchange is the sale of solo ads.  The program seems to be more of a mailer than a traffic exchange.  Be prepared to receive a lot of solo ads.  These ads are worth 5 credits each, the highest credit value on the exchange.

There is also a weekly newsletter.  You will receive 10 credits for opening this newsletter.  There are testimonials and then several text ads from the membership base.  Each of these ads is worth 2 credits.

This exchange has a unique formula for traffic and income.  However, I do not use Topsurfer as a primary traffic exchange.

The surf limit is 150 per day.  This could be higher without diluting the results for the advertisers.  You cannot surf multiple exchanges.  If you leave the page before the timer expires, you will receive this warning:


Screenshot 2015-04-29 at 10.27.55 AM


The idea is to give the best possible value to the advertiser.  However, this is rare in 2015, when multiple site surfing is encouraged and even rewarded.  Another problem, credits move slowly.  One ad I reviewed several months ago only used 130 credits in a week.  As I create this post, I have over 27,000 credits in my account.

I did have problems when I first joined this exchange.  I received some type of website error and my account was paused.  I did talk to the owner and have my account reinstated.  Somehow my surfing triggered his system to assume I was using cheating software.  I have not had any error messages in 2015.

This exchange has an established history, and the owner is diversifying with other traffic products instead of cloning sites for a cash grab.  Is this exchange right for you?  I hope my review will help you make an informed decision.

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