Track your advertising with

Is anyone clicking your ads?  Are you split testing (A B testing)?  Does one ad get more clicks than another?

To make you business more efficient, you need to track your advertising.  is an excellent tool for this task.

Later in the post, I will provide an in depth training video by Tim Linden.


The tracking allows me to know what banners get the most clicks.  I also like knowing what sources are showing the banner and providing the clicks.

Although splash pages are entered separately from banners, the process is really the same.  I can see where my splash page is being displayed and how many clicks I have received for any particular page.

I use split testing in two different ways.  I use the same splash page or banner and change one variable, such as the headline or a picture.

Most of the time, I test a different pages and banners against the ones currently in rotation to find the better converting page or banner. is an offering by TimTech.  These guys are well known the the traffic exchange industry.

There are several training videos on the platform.  Here is one of several from Tim Linden.

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